132 research outputs found

    Edge deletion to tree-like graph classes

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    For a fixed property (graph class) Π\Pi, given a graph GG and an integer kk, the Π\Pi-deletion problem consists in deciding if we can turn GG into a graph with the property Π\Pi by deleting at most kk edges of GG. The Π\Pi-deletion problem is known to be NP-hard for most of the well-studied graph classes (such as chordal, interval, bipartite, planar, comparability and permutation graphs, among others), with the notable exception of trees. Motivated by this fact, in this work we study the deletion problem for some classes close to trees. We obtain NP-hardness results for several classes of sparse graphs, for which we prove that deletion is hard even when the input is a bipartite graph. In addition, we give sufficient structural conditions for the graph class Π\Pi for NP-hardness. In the case of deletion to cactus, we show that the problem becomes tractable when the input is chordal, and we give polynomial-time algorithms for quasi-threshold graphs.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    As pesquisas em educação de jovens e adultos produzidas em Santa Catarina: um estudo de teses e dissertações

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    Apresenta-se uma investigação que analisou as teses e dissertações sobre a Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) no Estado de Santa Catarina (SC) realizadas em cursos de Programas de Pós-graduação. Teve como objetivou compreender quais o panorama e as perspectivas teórico-metodológicas dessas pesquisas no campo da EJA. Caracterizou-se como um estudo do tipo do estado do conhecimento, de abordagem qualitativa e exploratória desenvolvida mediante fontes bibliográficas e documentais. Como resultado do estudo, foram identificadas 146 investigações organizadas em 7 categorias: Currículo da EJA; Sujeitos da EJA; Docência e Formação em EJA; Políticas Públicas e o Direito à EJA; Alfabetização em EJA; Práticas escolares na EJA e Concepções de EJA. O artigo permite situar um panorama do estado do conhecimento das pesquisas voltadas à EJA em Santa Catarina e apontam para o fato de que ainda se requer maior aprofundamento para a busca de construção de fundamentos teórico metodológicos para essa área

    Online platform for home design and project management in modular construction

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    The construction industry is currently facing the challenges of intensifying global competition, increasing market volatility, increasing product differentiation, and shortening product life cycles. In this context, versatile production concepts with modular structures promise a better adaptation to these dynamic boundary conditions in terms of quantity production, product variety, and manufacturing location. Modular construction has significant advantages over traditional on-site construction in terms of material efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Therefore, specialized software for building design is one of the critical aspects of modular construction. This work presents the development of an online platform for the design of buildings using modular construction. The main features of this platform are the 2D home design with 3D visualization, using BIM approaches, the validation of architectural rules and system limits taking into consideration the design and legal framework, and the management of orders and workflows for sustainable construction. The validation of architecture rules and system limits allows the use of the platform by final clients to design their houses and obtain the budget and the construction viability based on modular construction. After, an architect can assume the final design and legal approvement of the project.This work was supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under Projects UIDB/05757/2020, funded by Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior and Fundo Social Europeu through The Programa Operacional Regional Norte and NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-113482, funded by Compete 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O quinto constitucional surgiu no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro a partir da Constituição de 1934, que, no artigo 104, § 6º, enunciava: “Na composição dos Tribunais superiores serão reservados lugares, correspondentes a um quinto do número total, para que sejam preenchidos por advogados, ou membros do Ministério Público de notório merecimento e reputação ilibada, escolhidos de lista tríplice”

    Circular saw misuse is related to upper limb injuries: a cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVES: Machinery injuries account for a substantial share of traumatic upper limb injuries (TULIs) affecting young active individuals. This study is based on the hypothesis that there is an important relationship between the improper use of power saws and TULIs. The aim of the study is to assess the prevalence and epidemiology of TULIs caused by power saws and determine the risks related to power saw use. METHODS: A cross-sectional evaluation of medical records from a two-year period was performed. Patients sustaining TULIs related to power saws were analyzed. Data on the epidemiology, site of injury, mechanism of trauma, technical specifications of the tool, cutting material, personal protective equipment, time lost and return to work were obtained. RESULTS: A database search retrieved 193 TULI records, of which 104 were related to power saws. The majority of patients were male (102/104; 98.1%), right-handed (97/104; 93.3%), and manual workers (46/104; 44.2%), with an average age of 46.8 years. The thumb was the most frequently injured site (32/93; 34.4%). Most of the injuries were caused by manual saws (85/104; 81.7%), and masonry saws accounted for 68.2% (58/85) of the cases. Masonry saws improperly used for woodwork resulted in 86.2% (50/58) of the injuries. TULI caused by masonry saws was 5 times higher in manual workers than in other patients. In addition, masonry saws had a risk of kickback 15 times higher than that of other saws, and the risk of injury increased by 5.25 times when the saws were used improperly for wood cutting. CONCLUSIONS: The profile of TULIs related to power saws was demonstrated and was mainly associated with manual saws operated by manual workers that inappropriately used masonry saws for woodworking

    Percepção sobre qualidade da arborização urbana da cidade de Pombal, Paraíba

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    A arborização de cidades apresenta inúmeras vantagens dentre as quais melhoria do microclima e bem estar populacional. No entanto, a falta de planejamento e conhecimento do poder público responsável por esse processo pode provocar efeitos contrários aos desejados. Com isso, o objetivo com este trabalho consistiu em avaliar a percepção da população local quanto a qualificação da arborização na cidade de Pombal, Paraíba, no intuito de coletar informações necessárias ao futuro e correto planejamento arbóreo deste centro urbano. Para isso, foram aplicados questionários semiestruturados contendo 11 perguntas objetivas, onde quatro eram para caracterizar o perfil dos entrevistados em relação ao sexo, idade, nível de escolaridade e atividade principal, e as sete restantes abrangiam as questões referentes à arborização do município, atingindo desta forma um público de 200 pessoas. A cidade de Pombal - PB encontra-se razoavelmente arborizada e ainda apresenta problemas com redes elétricas e telefônicas devido a falta de correto planejamento pelos órgãos públicos responsáveis. A população percebe os benefícios da arborização afirmando que as arbóreas existentes favorecem em especial a sombra e redução de temperatura